That Special Kind of Love 💖!!

That Special Kind of Love 💖!!

- Mousmi

Love forever

Hello Friends ! After a very Long gap, I am here to share something very Special in everyone’s life.
This is called Love. Everyone is wanting for Love. Who doesn’t like to be loved ? Do you ? No ! Right. 
Here I am talking about The Special kind of Love that everyone gets from her/his partners. 
Do True love still exist? Is it possible to love someone without any expectation, an unconditional Love.
When a person falls in love, S/he tries everything possible to get that person in his/her life. It really feels like ‘Guitars in background, blowing wind, Love for colours 😅.’ Being with that special one makes us happier, it boosts up our self confidence, everyday feels exciting, each day we want to spend with them. Ahhh!!! That feeling of Love is so damm awesome! Right! And Of course we all expect that person to stay with us till end of life. 

There’s come a big ‘BUT’. Out of 5 such Love Relationship only 1-2 are able to survive.
The reasons are infinite and out of which mosts are just a Lame ones. 

The very main reason that relationships end is Expectation!
Have you ever had fight with your siblings ? Yes everyone had right. But do you expect him/her to apologise? Think honestly!
Similarly with our parents. If they scold us, we don’t expect them to pamper us.
And this is the Unconditional love that we have for our Family. What ever happens we are never going to Hate them.

But what happens if that special one scold us, fights us, it immediately raises our EGO.
And this kills the relationship.

Relationship ends due to;
  1. Fear (from society, from parents)
  2. Anger
  3. Jealousy 
  4. Masterdom (showing ownership on him/her)
  5. Comparing your relationships with others
  6. Comparing your Partner with other.
  7. *Expectations
  8. Ego
All these points ruins our Flowery relationships.
Trust me Love is a great feeling and being love by someone is great too.
And if your relationship is that stronger that it can exclude those 8 points than trust me my friend you are on the Top of the World. 

You might be thinking that such relationships are ideal and Ideal things have no existence. But this is absolutely wrong belief. I have seen my friend’s relationship and they have survived happily for 5 years (touchwood !) and counting....

So, believe in your partner, no one is less , no one is more in such a Rosy 🌹 relationship . If you really love that person, take care of him/her as for you, S/he is no less than Kohinoor 💎 .

Hope you like this blog. And do share your experiences in your relationship in the comment section. Have a good day!!!


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