The Fat, The Ugly?

Hello Friends!
Today I am here to share some very views about Body shaming & Exercise!
Is it a curse to have a Fat body? A Big No! If you are Fat, don't be ashamed of what people think of you. You are what you think. The body never decides the person's character. Your heart is beautiful, You are beautiful. You do not need to fit in those tight jeans or that little black dress. You are beautiful the way you are.
But, hey let us understand this topic the other way. You only think,  Is this Fat your friend? There is nothing bad that you are fat but is it Okay to accumulate this Fat. NO! Right...
And the reason for this is infinite.
This Fat can lead to many Disease like;
  • Heart disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer, and so on............
With that loaded fat, you must be facing many problems related to health, you might not feel confident. But you can overcome this. And For that, I am here to help you out. I will provide you the exercise and Diet tips which will definitely help you to get rid of your Fat.
You have now understood why it is important to throw away this Fat out of your body.
God has given us a very beautiful body, why to degrade it. 
Be happy, Love your Body but not in a way that it harms you in return.
Thus, Stay Fit, Exercise and Live to the fullest.

Exercise and Diet tips will be covered in the next Blog. 
Do follow my blog, comments, and Share.


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