The benefits of Yoga in this fast life

Hello Friends!

The benefits of Yoga in this fast life

  • My friends always keep me asking about my beauty secret and my fitness funda, and all the time I wonder that what is something different that I do to keep myself healthy, and then when I introspected, I came to know some very interesting things that I am following regularly and which is reason for my beauty secrets.  And, so I am here to share my personal experiences on my beauty, and my fitness.
  • So, today we are going to talk about Yoga (Yog). Since my schooldays, Yog has been part of my life. I also, use to think that Yog is so boring, but when I saw its results on my health, my fitness, at that time I realized the importance of Yog in booming my health and flourishing my beauty.
  • Yog is very vast. there is particular yoga asana for each and every body parts. But as this is the 21st century, the people barely get time for exercise so I would recommend following Suryanamaskar daily early morning. This thing is definitely going to help you if and only if you follow this regularly. Suryanamaskar will track your inhalation and exhalation process, more oxygen will enter your body and this will help you in detoxifying your inner body. It will also increase body flexibility, will intensify and boost up your metabolism which will ultimately reduce the unwanted body fat. Suryanamaskar also emphasizes skin glow, the pores of the skin open up and you will feel refreshing, it will also help to beautify your hair.
  • I have been following Suryanamaskar for 2 years and it has tremendously helped me. In my life, till now I have never got a pimple due to regular Yog, no additional fat, very less hair fall and of course soft and glowing skin. It is my daily routine that I follow except Sunday,(Sunday is a holiday); I wake up at 6:00 am, fresh and up and with my Yoga mat and with the DVDs of Shilpa Shetty's Yoga (in laptop of course), I step out in my garden or my terrace and start the very first thing of my day that is Suryanaskar. For the beginners, it would be tough, and you might get body pain for a few days, but ones you follow this regularly, you will definitely see the amazing results. I personally recommend you to spend a very little part of your money in buying the DVDs of Shilpa Shetty Yoga, that you can carry anywhere in your Laptop or copy to your Phone as per your convenience, or you can just follow Ramdev Baba. This has really helped me when I was a beginner.


This is just a combination of 12 different asanas that merges mind with the body and breath. The benefits of Suryanaskar are listed;
  • It increases the strength of the muscular back
  • Award you flawless, radiant skin
  • keeps balanced hormones
  • Keep you an active whole day
  • Keep your hair silky smooth...
The benefits of Suryanaskar is endless. Let us see how you can follow this peculiar Yog
These are the steps you can follow for Suryanaskar. It is important also to track your breathing process to have maximum gain out of Suryanaskar because Yoga is Synergy of body, mind, and breath.
You all might be very familiar with Shilpa Shetty's fitness mantras. You can follow her for observing perfect Suryanaskar.

So, friends, I hope you like my blog, so please do comments if you want some improvements and I will be soon back with another blog chatting about Indian beauties.

Here are some links on which you can find Shilpa Shetty's Yoga DVDs, and some materials useful for Yog especially Suryanaskar at best prices. (Shilpa Yoga) (Yoga Pants) 


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